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St Mary's Bryanston Square C E Primary School

Excellence With Compassion

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School Clubs

St Mary’s has a full and varied programme of clubs this year which take place before, during and after school. Clubs charge a small fee, to cover our costs. However, do speak to us if this is an issue. As far as possible, we want every child in KS1 & 2 to have access to a club that broadens their school experience.


After school clubs are run by teaching assistants or external partners.  We have a daily Breakfast Club that meets before school from 8am until 8.45am. 



    Other organisations also use the school in the evenings and weekends and provide opportunities for local children and adults. We can help you to get in touch with these organisations:


    • St Mary’s Kids’ Church (Sundays – am)
    • Cubs (Friday, 6.00pm to 7.30pm)
    • Scouts (Friday, 7.30pm to 9.00pm)
    • Guides (Tuesday, 6.30pm to 8.00pm)
    • Rainbows (Wednesday, 5.00pm to 6.00pm)
    • Brownies (Wednesday, 6.30pm to 8.00pm)


