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St Mary's Bryanston Square C E Primary School

Excellence With Compassion

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Year 5

Hello Year 5,


I hope you are all well. Just want to say that I am thinking of you all at this time. There's a lot of change happening and it's going to be strange for everyone. Stay safe, get creative with your time and more than anything else, be kind. Help your adults out, play with your siblings and talk to your friends.


I've always said to you that positivity and kindness go a long way in this world and now is your chance to truly put that into action. I will miss you all but can't wait to hear all your stories and see all your amazing work soon!


Love, Miss Evans x

Additional Resources: 


Please use these resources to support further work at home - 


Home Learning Pack - (download)


Maths Resources for home: 

White Rose Maths Hub - Year 5

