Concerned about a child?
Are you worried about a child?
You can make a real difference to their safety and well-being by speaking up and sharing your concern with the appropriate professional in school, or in the Local Authority. We all want children to be happy and safe in and out of school and we would always urge you to share a worry than not.
Sharing your concern may be able to prevent something from happening, or help ensure a child or family get the extra support they need to get them through their tricky time. Often when the word ‘safeguarding’ is used it suggests worries about terrible abuse or neglect, but safeguarding is so much more than that. It could relate to children or families going through a tough time because of a bereavement, the loss of a job, poor housing, mental ill-health or medical issues.
What you can do if you’re worried:
Speak to the one of the designated Safeguarding Leads
Mr Duffy or Ms Marius-Beeko are our Safeguarding leads and are always willing to offer support and advice, whether you’re worried about your own child or family or another. During school hours they can be contacted via email or by calling 020 3146 0968
Read the further advice under our Helpful Links page
This section of our website offers a range of other agencies and charities that may well be able to offer extra advice and support depending on the nature of your concern.
Speak to a professional at the Local Authority
When you have a safeguarding concern and you wish to speak to the local authority, you need to speak to the borough in which that young person / family lives. You can refer to Westminster Children’s Social Care by contacting the Access to Children's Services Team (9am to 5pm weekdays) or outside of these times the Emergency Duty Team on 020 7641 6000.
The Access Team provides a single point of contact for professionals and members of the public who want to seek support or raise concerns about a child. We will listen, assess your concerns, and can take action if a child is at risk. If you're not sure whether a child is at risk you can discuss the circumstances with us or with someone else who works with children, such as a teacher, health visitor or the NSPCC. All professionals who work with children have a responsibility to safeguard them and will know how to help.
Advice from other agencies
The following organisations offer support and advice if you suspect abuse and/or neglect:
NSPCC – 0800 800 500
Childline – 0800 1111
Domestic Violence National Helpline – 080 8200 247