Mental Health & Wellbeing
The welfare of the children entrusted to our care – physical, emotional, spiritual – is taken very seriously at St Mary’s. The children’s welfare is a priority for everyone within our school community.
- First Aid: All of our support staff are all trained in paediatric first aid and link with parents of children who may have additional health/medical needs (e.g. Asthma, Allergies)
- Learning: our staff make themselves available to talk to parents about any concerns they may have about a wide range of issues which can include: settling-in or friendship worries.
- Specialist care: we have regular visits from the School Nurse and a Speech & Language Therapist and we link with other care professionals as required.
- Breakfast and After School care: we run a Breakfast Club from 8:00am, and an After School Club (until 5pm) Monday to Friday to provide extended hours of care for our pupils
- Equal opportunities: whatever their race, gender, culture, class, religion, sexual orientation, ability or special needs – we encourage all children to treat others as they wish to be treated
Wellbeing and Mental Health
At St Mary's, we are working with the MIND Charity, who provide support through a Well-being and Mental Health Educational Practitioner.
What are Education Wellbeing Practitioners?
We are part of a new government initiative that aims to promote good emotional wellbeing and mental health through supporting children and their families within the school setting.
Who can we help?
We work with Parents/carers of children who are:
feeling anxious, worried, stressed, fearful, overwhelmed, having behavioral difficulties, frustrated, having frequent tantrums, difficulty following routines etc.
How can we help?
There are a number of different ways that we may be able to support your family and children:
- Individual support by providing 1:1 guided self-help sessions for Parent/carers over 6-8 weeks. The aim is to support and empower you to develop coping strategies to manage your child’s difficulties.
- Parents/carers will play an active part in problem solving, practicing strategies and setting goals in the sessions
- Groups and workshops for children and parents on topics such as transitions, friendships, exam stress, bullying, anxiety, understanding and managing emotions, how to look after your emotional wellbeing etc. Where there is a need and interest other topics may also be covered.