Pupil Councils
St Mary’s Pupil Councils
At St Mary’s, our pupils’ opinions and ideas are a crucial element of our decision making.
We have 3 pupil councils, who focus on monitoring and improving different aspects of the school:
School Council – our School Council meets regularly and discusses school-wide issues, as well as addressing concerns that children may have brought up in their classes.
Faith Council – our Faith Council meet regularly to give feedback on Collective Worship and RE. They help to plan the themes for Collective Worship and make suggestions about special events such as the Prayer Days we hold each term.
Green Team – Our Green Team meets termly and discusses issues to do with our school environment. St Mary’s is a Green Flag school and a Gold STARS school, and being environmentally friendly is very important to us. The Green Team have been particularly involved in improving air quality around our school and have been supporting the ‘Don’t Be Idle’ campaign.