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St Mary's Bryanston Square C E Primary School

Excellence With Compassion

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Nursery Admissions

Nursery Admissions 


Nursery Start date

Children may start Nursery in the term AFTER their third birthday at the earliest. This is linked to the funding that is provided to schools.  


26 full-time (30 hour) places to be offered, in order of priority, as per admissions policy.


3 and 4 Year Old Nursery Provision


Allocation of places

Places in the nursery for 3 and 4 year olds, are allocated at the beginning of every term and all children will have equal access to these places.


Where oversubscription occurs, places will be allocated in accordance with the following oversubscription criteria:


  1. Children in the care of the local authority (looked after and previously looked after children).
  2. Children with compelling medical or other exceptional reasons for attending nursery.
  3. Children whose parents regularly attend St Mary’s Bryanston Square Church.
  4. Children with a His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) code (30 hours).
  5. Children currently accessing our 2 year old provision
  6. Children whose older brother or sister attends the school. If it should be necessary to decide between children within this group, places will be given to those whose registration was received first.
  7. Children who live closest to the selected school based upon the shortest walking distance.
  8. Children who live in the borough of Westminster.
  9. Any other children, with places being given to those whose registration was received first.


Admission into our Reception class is completed centrally following Westminster’s Admissions Policy and procedures. Attendance within Nursery does not mean that an automatic place in the main school will be offered.


Further information regarding admissions into Reception can be found at   or by contacting Schools Admissions on telephone: 020 7745 6432 / 6433 / 6434 or via email:


Applying for a place in the 3 and 4 year old provision

You can apply for a place by downloading the application form from the school website at: or by visiting the school in person and requesting a form. Applications can be made at any point during the year.


As part of the application process, all parents seeking a place in the 3 and 4 year old provision will be required to complete an eligibility check to determine your eligibility for either of the government’s childcare support schemes: tax-free Childcare and 30 hours free childcare. This will not determine whether you are offered a place at our nurseries, but will enable you, and potentially the school, to access additional financial support. If you are eligible, further checks will need to be completed at the beginning of every new term to ensure you remain eligible. Further information regarding childcare support can be found at


Once the eligibility check is completed and the admission form is returned to the school, it will be processed and you will be contacted by the school within a week of the application being received. If there are no available places at the time, you will be offered the opportunity to be placed on a waiting list.


Pupil Premium

Up to 5 places will be allocated to pupils whose parents are not eligible for 30 hours free childcare, but are eligible for the pupil premium. These pupils will be determined by the admissions criteria, up to a maximum of 5 pupils.







Need more help?


For further information about admissions, if you have any questions or would like to take a tour of the school, please contact the school office. We'll be happy to help. 


Telephone: 0203 146 0968 


