Statutory Information
Every school is required by law to publish specific information on its website to comply with The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012. Details shown are available from other sections of the school website but have been collated here for ease of reference and to support pre-inspection preparation by Ofsted.
Statutory requirements
- School contact details
- Admission arrangements
- Ofsted reports
- Results
- Performance tables
- Curriculum
- Behaviour Principles & Policy
- Pupil Premium impact reports and current strategy
- PE and Sport Premium for Primary Schools
- Special educational needs (SEN) report
- Schools Financial Benchmarking page
- Charging and remissions policies
- Values and ethos
Other information
The following information is required to be published by other statute, recommended 'good practice' or is supportive to Ofsted pre-inspection:
- Term dates
- Staff list
- Governors' Register of Interests
- Latest news
- Parents' Views
- Assessment
- Safeguarding
Requests for copies
If a parent requests a paper copy of the information on the school's website, this will be provided free of charge.