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St Mary's Bryanston Square C E Primary School

Excellence With Compassion

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Dear children and families,


This is your learning pack with English, Maths and Other activities for you to do at home. 


I know this an uncertain time and I want to send my support to you all.  Please use this time to enjoy activities with your children and involve your children in aspects of daily life.  Take time to show children your interests and talk to children about theirs.


I have tried to provide a range of manageable and fun activities which cover all areas of the curriculum and will keep supporting families as much as I can throughout this time.  There are also a range of websites with free resources to support your child’s learning.


Please note that all suggested websites have been checked by the school, however we cannot manage the oversight of any external websites.


Thank for so much for all of your support as we continue to work in partnership to provide the best education for our children at St Mary’s.  We are thinking of you all, please stay safe and look after each other.


Sarah Philpot

Class Teacher

Story Time with Miss Philpot

Still image for this video

F2 Home Learning Packs

Additional Packs and Resources can be found here: 


EYFS Home Learning Pack  (download)


Maths Home Learning packs/resources

Additional Resources from Miss Philpot

