School Clubs
St Mary’s has a full and varied programme of clubs this year which take place before, during and after school. Clubs charge a small fee, to cover our costs. However, do speak to us if this is an issue. As far as possible, we want every child from Reception to Year 6 to have access to a club that broadens their school experience.
We have a daily Breakfast Club that meets before school from 7.45am until 8.45am.
Children are provided with milk or water, toast, cereal and/or fruit.
There is a charge of £4.00 per session.
After School Clubs
We have a range of After School Clubs available to different age groups across the course of the week. These clubs run for on average 10 weeks across a full term. Payment for clubs is required in full in advance, however should this be difficult please speak to a member of the office team who can discuss a payment plan.
Autumn Term Clubs
Monday - Gymnastics and Arts & Crafts
Tuesday - Performing Arts Club
Wednesday - Multi-Skills
Thursday - Singing Club and Arts & Crafts
Clubs on average cost £4.00 per session. Although depending upon the provider some clubs are charged at a slighter higher rate.
Wrap Around Club (Mon - Fri, 3.30pm - 6.00pm)
From this September we started our own wraparound club which is open to children from Reception to Year 6.
The club for the full session cost £12.00, this includes a snack during the session.
From 4.30pm until 6.00pm the cost is £8.00.
This club can be booked on the day, or in advance via the Arbor Parent App.
Other organisations also use the school in the evenings and weekends and provide opportunities for local children and adults. We can help you to get in touch with these organisations:
- St Mary’s Kids’ Church (Sundays – am)
- Koryo Taekwondo (Monday - Thursday)